Community Events:
Hope For Our City In Olivia will be distributing food on Wednesdays at 3:00pm at CCOC. Bring $2 and a grocery bag to receive 5-7 items. You must PRE-REGISTER by text or call 320-894-4763 by Tuesday at noon to get your food ordered. Please check their Facebook page to find distribution pick-up.
Renville County Food Shelf- As of march we have donated 137 lbs. of food & $40.00 donation. Food Collection is the 1st Sunday of every month.
Free Laundry every 3rd Tuesday of the Month, 9:30am-5:30pm, up to $25.00 per family or $15.00 individual. Royal Wash House, 1025 MN Hwy. 7, Hutchinson.
Senior Dining through LSS Call Frandsen Bank (320-848-2222) for meals. Tickets are $5.00 per meal. Make checks payable to: Lu theran Social Services. Contact Pete’s Grill (320-848-2200) by 9:30am for pickup or delivery. The menu is in the News*Mirror.
The Free Closet in St. Paul’s Church
St. Paul's Closet Needs this month include: gloves, caps, hooded sweatshirts, washable jackets, a dresser, adult snowpants, tennis shoes, clean winter boots and work boots. Please leave items in white garbage bags inside the middle door of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. We have very limited space.
Thank you for your generosity! Jill Schwiderski, St. Paul's Lutheran Church 320-848-2513
Become a Foster Parent!
Renville County is looking for people to foster both temporary or long term. Foster parents can be blended families, one or two parent families, retired, or single. The most important aspect of fostering a child is willingness to provide a loving, safe, & stable environment. If you have questions, contact Renville County Human Services at (320) 523-2202.
Volunteers Needed!
LSS has a program for those who don’t drive to get a balanced meal for a small fee. We have meals on wheels thanks to weekly volunteers, driving to drop off food & check on the elderly and homebound. We need more volunteers or this won’t last. If you can help, call Deb at 320-583-8730. Thank you!
Senior Dining through LSS
Call Frandsen Bank (320-848-2222) for meals. Tickets are $5.00 per meal. Make checks payable to: Lutheran Social Services. Contact Pete’s Grill (320-848-2200) by 9:30am for pickup or delivery. The menu is in the News*Mirror Union.
Community News
Egg Cartons Wanted: The Renville County Food Shelf is looking for egg cartons. If you have any to spare, please leave them in the grocery cart at Zion with the rest of the donations for the food shelf.
Cards and Well-Wishes for BLHCC Residents: you can go to their website and send a greeting. The activity department will print the greeting and read it to the resident or mail a card to Buffalo Lake Healthcare Center, PO Box 368, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314.
Common Cup: Checkout in Hutchinson and Glencoe. They serve free meals and give away diapers, If you are in need.
National Child Abuse Prevention: report child maltreatment to Renville County Human Services, (320-523-2202) or to the local law enforcement. Please help a child in need!
Foster Parents Needed in Renville County. You Can Help Provide Critical Care to Children in Crisis -A Foster Parent may be single or married, have children or not have children, rent or own their home, work full-time or not full-time. What they share is a concern for children and a commitment to help them.
Contact Renville County Services at 320-523-2202. Ask for the Foster Care Licensor.